cornhole tournament DBCXX



Our first DBC event took place in July of 2016 and it’s finally come to a little milestone for this event! DBCXX will take place Saturday, April 28th at the famed BNS Brewing & Distilling in Santee.  This event will feature 3 separate Singles Divisions and 2 Doubles Divisions.

The 3 divisions in Singles will be broken into Open, Competitive and Novice divisions with bulk of the payday going into the Open Division.  Doubles will feature an Open and Novice division.


Payout Details for Lower Brackets:
Singles Competitive Division
1st place $80
2nd place $40
Singles Novice Division:
1st Place $40
Don't forget to check out our large selection of Cornhole Bags!
Doubles Novice Division:
1st Place $80
OPEN Division payouts will be based on # of total entrants and annoucned prior to the start of the tournament.

Please note that you can only enter one Singles event and one Doubles event.  Division placement will be entirely up to our discretion, so no sandbagging!!

$20 for Singles and $40 per team for Doubles.

Doors will open at BNS at 9am and all Singles will begin at 10am.  Doubles will be slotted to begin matches between 1:30 and 2pm. This will be a Bring your own Bags events, but we will have DB Ultra bags on hand for players to use for their matches.

DBCXX will also feature a live streaming lane that will run the duration of the tourney so your friends and family can follow along at home.

Dirty Bags would like to thank everyone who has helped support us during our run and we’re hoping this event will be very enjoyable!  Come out on the 28th and throw some bags!!!

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