2020-2021 Player Sponsorship Application

Dirty Bags Cornhole Sponsorhip Application

To Apply for a Sponsorship for this upcoming 2020-2021 Cornhole Season, please Copy / Paste each of these questions below and into the contact field at the bottom of this screen along with your answers and hit submit.  We will review each submission and will make all sponsorship final decisions by the end of September.  Thank you!


Submit your answers in the text box below along with your contact information and click Submit! Thanks!

  • List your cornhole highlights this past season:
  • What are your expectations from a sponsorship from Dirty Bags Cornhole (Please be specific as to what you are looking  for this next season, ie. equipment, monetary, expenses, etc.)
  • What other companies are you seeking sponsorship from next season or have you already signed with for next season:
  • What Social Media platforms are you active on? Please List account names for each:
  • How will you promote and represent DBC as a sponsored player next season?
  • What type of bags do you currently throw:
  • Doubles Partner Name: